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Meta Reflection #2:
Explain how you as a teacher can influence adolescent development in these domains and/or how adolescent development will influence you as a teacher.

For this meta reflection I decided to talk about how challenges in life (Topic 10) and resiliency (Topic 11) can influence adolescent development by teachers and teachers by adolescent development. Teachers have one of the largest influences on adolescent development in this domain and vice versa. Youth are going through many different things in their adolescent development, from puberty, sexuality, and gender to identity. One's identity is formed from not only their passions and what they care about but also the hardships and challenges they face in life and how the overcome these challenges. Adolescent development contains all of these aspects and teachers are there for it for almost 6-8 hours, 5 days a week, for 12 years. Thus, teachers are a major influence on adolescent development and adolescent development has an influence on teachers.


A teacher can influence the adolescent development in challenges and resilience in a facilitation and educational way. This can be done because resilience grows from overcoming challenges and difficulties in life. As stated previously in Topic 11, a teacher has to create an environment, expectations, and relationships that help them either find and/or grow their resilience. With the challenges that are mentioned in Topic 10, a teacher can influence adolescent development through creating a positive and supportive learning environment and by nurturing healthy positive relationships with students. This was stated on "How to promote resilience in students". These positive relationships and environments will open up possibilities to allow the student to gain access to support systems available to them from the administration and yourself as a teacher. This also isn't just a choice but also a responsibility of the teacher as stated in Section 4 and 5 of the ATA teachers code of conduct. This influence on adolescent development also educates the teacher through all of the experiences from students and further prepares the teacher for more possible challenges ahead.


Thus, a teacher can also be influenced by adolescent development. As teachers continuously support adolescents in their development, situations will come up where the teacher will need proper training or will need to learn how to handle the challenges set forth. This proper training could be prevention training for suicide, self-harm, drug abuse or any other issues, or just ways on how to talk about challenges that the students face as said in "Supporting minds". Teachers will always have to stay on top of adolescent challenges to ensure a safe and supportive learning environment, so this is how the students will influence teachers. 



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