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Topic 3: Cognitive Development

What is one way you will design your classroom or lessons to be more “brain rule” friendly?

My favorite brain rule is Attention. It is the fourth rule of Brain Rules. My best learning has been derived from interest. When I find a subject interesting and captivating then I really learn and integrate the thoughts and understandings into my daily life. Paying attention and having an interest for something implants it in your brain and increases your curiosity into the subject. I think that teachers really try to captivate their students early on in their career, and then slowly try less until the content is boring.


My degree is focused on physical sciences. Thus, I would make my classroom more Brain Rule friendly by making sure to captivate the students  and make the lessons memorable. I could do this in several ways. An article called "How to Motivate Students to Love Science" talks about hot to captivate and motivate students to learn by incorporating technology and bring science to life. I would do this by including technologies that allow students to explore aspects of Science like an animal cell via 3D/virtual reality tools that I saw at Makers Day a couple years ago. It allows a student to explore the animal cell by looking through the device. Doing this would really get them involved in their studies do to the curiosity of whats next and being in control of their adventure. Another way on how I would captivate my students is by bringing something interesting, talking about a fun fact relevant to the lesson, or doing an experiment at the start of class to grab their attention for what the lesson is about. This idea was explored by BBC in an article called "Ten ways to make lectures more Dynamic". These ideas could really increase the excitement of science and increase the interest that students have in the subjects. 


In class, we also learned that it is important to get your students moving, make learning social, and add value to topics. These aspects are very important if I am to captivate the students in the ways I described above. This is because students attention relates directly to their memory and what they care about. If I add value by bringing in memorable devices and activities it will help make my classroom more Brain Rule friendly and increase their attention


Cox, J. (n.d.). How to Motivate Students to Love Science. Retrieved from


​Active, B. (n.d.). Ten ways to make lectures more dynamic. Retrieved from

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