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Module Five

This weeks module was to create a diagram of your TPaCK knowledge. TPaCK stands for Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. These are the three keys pieces of knowledge an excellent teacher needs to have. TPaCK is the incorporation of all three. As you can see in my diagram, its represented by an intersection of all three circles. There are also TPK, TCK, and PCK representing the other intersections of the circles. These intersections show how well you and incorporate all three into a lesson. The point of this module was to gauge yourself and the knowledge that you hold and create a diagram representing it. As you can see, my representation of my knowledge is to the left.


As you can see, my tehnologial knowledge is larger  than the other two and the intersections are larger than the intersection between Pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge. This is because I use many different applications, widgets, and programs every day that can be integrated into classrooms to aid in students learning needs as well as just increasing the memorability and understanding of information. 

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